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  • How to store these 17 fruit and vegetables correctly for zero waste.

    Food water bugs the hell out of me. I was raised in a household of six where there wasn't much spare cash in our early years. And if we didn't eat all of our dinner one night, it would get wrapped and refrigerated for the following night. When I was a kid, I used to hate this. But it's a value that has bled into my adult life and that I cherish the concept of now. Why waste good food? It doesn't just cost the money from your wallet, it costs the earth for the growing / production / manufacture and yet we throw it away so easily. Why? Because we know there is an abundance awaiting us at the supermarket. This consumerism conditioning leads us not just to waste food, but to waste money too. What if we only purchased what we needed before foods perished? And what if we stored them properly so they took longer to perish? To do this, it's worth understanding a bit about perishable foods. Some fruit and vegetables produce a gas called ethylene. This is naturally occurring and helps produce ripen. And some foods are ethylene sensitive, meaning we have to keep certain fruit and veggies separated or the ethylene sensitive group will ripen waaaaaay too quickly and perish quickly. We also need to consider that some fruits and veggies need different temperatures to others when storing. How to store fruit and vegetables to prevent food waste: In cool, dry places (like the pantry!): Ripe bananas - Banana's ripen faster with heat, and slower with cooler temperatures. So if you want to ripen your bananas store them at room temperature, but then transfer them to a cool, dry area to slow down the ripening until you get a chance to eat them! Onions, Garlic, Potato's - If these are exposed to light, they think they are outside and start to sprout! So dark, cool places dramatically slows down this process! Eggs - Eggs don't need to be refrigerated in New Zealand or Australia which is why they aren't found in the chiller section in our supermarkets too! The exception to this, unless your kitchen is hotter than about 15 degrees Celsius, or, they are cooked and you are saving leftovers. Uncracked eggs are fine in the pantry At room temperature: Avocado's - These are ethylene sensitive. If they haven't ripened yet, store them at room temperature. Once they are ripe pop it in the fridge to slow down the ripening process. Two tips for avo's - 1. to ripen faster put a high ethylene fruit like an apple next to it in a dish on the countertop for a day. 2. when you need to save half an avo, leave the stone in the centre. This prevents oxygen from getting to it. Wrapping it in a small beeswax wrap in the fridge helps to stop it spoiling and going brown! Tomato's - Yep that's right. You might be tempted to throw them in the fridge with the rest of your salad stuff, but the fridge will actually make your tomato go grainy or wrinkly! Melon - Putting melon in the fridge can actually dry it out and make it lose some of its juiciness and lose some of its natural antioxidants. Whether it's melon, watermelon or cantaloupe, store it at room temperature. Citrus fruits - these tend to be high ethylene producers, so you'll want to keep them away from fruits that ripen / spoil quickly like bananas and avo's. Putting citrus fruits in the fridge can actually dehydrate them and remove some of their juicy taste. In the fridge: Let's just mention the compartments of a fridge for a sec before we jump into food. Most fridges have been designed, not just for space and convenience, but also with a special feature called a crisper drawer to help keep certain veggies....crisp. This drawer usually has a little vent on it which you can slide open and close. Basically, if it's closed it creates more humidity in the drawer. If it's open there's less humidity. Some veggies love humidity and some are less so. Knowing which veggies you are storing helps you decide how to use the vent. If in doubt.....leave it half open, half-closed. Also, don't wash these foods before putting them in the fridge - you'll just end up with soggy food! Wash before use instead. Lettuce - It loves humidity! This is best placed in the crisper drawer or pre-chopped in a container. I love to keep the full lettuce head in the crisper drawer, but also wrap a tea towel around it to create its own microenvironment for humidity. This means I can also store less-humid-lovin' veggies in the crisper drawer too with the vent still open. Kale - Moisture will make your kale wilt and go soggy. No one wants that. Storing kale in a cotton veggie bag in the crisper drawer will help your kale live for up to 2 weeks! Bok choy - My favourite asian vegetable! Ridiculously versatile.....also ridiculously easy for the leaves to turn brown if not stored correctly. The same as kale, moisture will ruin Bok Choy. Store it uncut in a cotton vegetable bag in the crisper drawer. Mushrooms - If you do use plastic warned, that's the worst way you could store mushrooms. They produce their own fluid, so putting them in their own little greenhouse plastic bag will make them slimy. These should be kept in a paper bag or cotton bag in the fridge (not the crisper drawer!) to stop them from drying out. In the fridge, in water: Celery & asparagus - Store in a glass of water stood upright if you have the space. If not, chop the stalks and place them into a container or glass jar, then cover with water to keep them fresh and crunchy. Carrots - Chop this up into long thinnish slices and store it in a jar of water to keep it hydrated and crunchy! Did you know, if you have a limp carrot, it's not off, it's just thirsty? Before you throw it away follow the same method mentioned here, leave it for 24 hours in the water-filled jar, and you'll be surprised to find a fresh, crunchy carrot brought back to life! Cucumber - Slice into thin sticks (think hummus dipping sized), store in a jar with water and close the lid to make your cucumbers last. Here are three bonus tips to reduce your household food waste: Pre-plan your meals for the week. Buy loose vegetables and fruit and only buy the amount you need. This helps reduce the volume of food wasted and the amount of plastic waste you bring home. If you do end up with extra that you won't use......try making your own pickles, or do a really basic pickle in white vinegar (I love this for leftover cabbage!) Our reusable cotton vegetable bags come in a pack of three large bags and work a treat for collecting your shop and storing your food! Are you ready to start making your food last longer?

  • Plastic Free July – take the challenge!

    As with anything plastic-free and low waste, the key is preparation! That’s why we’re not waiting til July to tell you about this challenge. We’re telling you what it’s about now so you can prepare to take the challenge! Plastic Free July, is literally what it says on the tin! It’s a global challenge that asks you to take part in ditching plastics for the month to help reduce the impact to our lands and seas and be part of the solution to the plastic problem! The movement has inspired over 250 million people in 177 countries to go plastic free, so if you are new to plastic free this is a great month to get helpful content and community support of other people trying to start kicking their plastic habits. You can sign up to the challenge online at where you will receive helpful emails (but not spammed!) about different tips and tricks to reduce your plastic waste, and also content which helps inspire you on some of the basics to removing everyday plastics from your life. We love, love, love this challenge, because it helps you start a healthy habit and gives you a short target of just 31 days to consider everything you would normally purchase in plastic! Better yet, once you get to the end of the 30 days, this new mindset will help you start a long term habit of removing plastics from your life whether it’s going plastic free at work, school, home or in the community. Feeling like you might struggle to ditch every plastic? Don’t worry, we know starting a new habit can be hard. This isn’t about failing in the first week because you need to buy something you find essential which is plastic, and then you can’t complete the rest of the challenge. Instead it’s about asking you to question if there is an alternative, and if there is, purchase that instead…..or try go without! If you do find yourself needing to buy something plastic…..don’t give up…..just keep asking yourself at every purchase……do I really need this or can I go without. Why not try it with a friend for a bit of support? Ask your friend to sign up to the challenge too so you can discuss what works and what you find hard. As always you can reach out to us here at B & Sea via our contact us form or DM us on insta for any plastic-free support and tips too! You can also check out our other blogs for helpful content to help you love a plastic free, low waste and sustainable lifestyle. And if you need any plastic free products, check out our plastic free online eco-store for some awesome plastic free alternatives. Plastic Free July – Be part of the solution.

  • 18 easy ways to live a sustainable life

    To live a sustainable lifestyle, first you need to have a really good understanding of what it means to live sustainably. Sustainability is a lifestyle. It’s something you can practice everyday by making changes to your everyday habits that help reduce your demand and consumption of earths resources. Choosing to live sustainably in one area of your life is helpful (i.e refilling water bottles), but if you are still practicing unhealthy habits in another (i.e purchasing plastic water bottles from the servo and refilling for a few days) this can counteract your sustainable choices. That’s why it’s described as a lifestyle. It’s about recognising your impact and making conscious decisions in your daily habits and consumer purchases. For people new to living sustainably, don’t worry, this is like any lifestyle change, such as joining the gym, it’s not something you change overnight. Instead it’s about taking small steps everyday to help you form healthy habits, until that healthy habit becomes the new norm for you. Eventually it will stop being a conscious effort and starts being your go-to sub-conscious choice. When I first started choosing sustainability, I found it hard at times. I’d fall off the track…..leaving my water bottle or lunch at home and end up purchasing lunch on the go, or a drink from the shop in a plastic bottle before I died of dehydration. All of these "slip-up's" made me feel like I was failing. In fact, I wasn’t. At that point in my life I was having to learn a new habit and unlearn a lifestyle of convenience. “It doesn’t matter if I leave my lunch at home, I can just buy sushi at lunch”.....ah my favourite pastime mantra. Along my journey, I decided that if I did forget my lunch or my water bottle, that was my fault for being unprepared and the planet shouldn’t suffer for my lack of preparation. I’d find a local café and ask for a sandwich preparing without the wrapping (yep, straight into my hand…..because that’s all that was going to happen anyway right?!) or drink water from the tap at work or a drinking fountain (because the quality of water from the tap didn't actually taste any different to what I’d buy in a bottle). Recognising alternatives or a “how would I survive if I couldn’t buy this conveniently" mindset became a huge step towards my making more sustainable choices. But as I had to learn a few rookie errors along the way here are my favourite tips to avoid newbie nuances! Here are our top tips to live a sustainable lifestyle: 1. Always be prepared – Preparing for the day / week ahead allows you to foresee what lifestyle habits you’ll need to break in the upcoming time ahead and not get caught short or having to rely on unsustainable or disposable purchases 2. Bag Life – Take a spare bag with you EVERYWHERE! Just incase you do need to purchase something. I usually have my backpack with my at all times so I’m never caught short. Also remember to take your own bags for your food shopping. 3. Plastic free veggies - If you do need to purchase from the supermarket, only purchase foods not wrapped in plastic. Purchasing unwrapped fruit and veggies is usually a sign of local produce meaning you’re supporting local farmers (stickers will usually tell you if it’s not local) but also…..since when do cucumbers need sheathing?! 4. Buy at bulk food shops – Taking your own containers and refilling at farmers markets and bulk food shops helps remove a HUGE amount of packaging waste from your life. You can also save money purchasing food this way vs the supermarket Buying in bulk also helps you stock your pantry with a selection of staples…..which leads to our next point…… 5. Cook your own food – Ditch the lunches-to-go and takeaways. Not only will the help you lead a healthier diet and save you money, but you’ll also ditch any extra packaging that it comes wrapped in (and dare we say it the plastic!). now we know everyone likes a tasty treat every so often – google fake-aways to curb those cravings for takeaways! 6. Layer up – Having your house warm is a luxury…..but we warm our houses up so we can walk around in less clothes. How counterintuitive! The uneccessary energy usage contributes towards climate change and higher utility bills. The solution….wear a sweater or a couple of extra layers (hello thermals!), get a couple of blankets and throws for your house too so every room is snuggly! 7. Switch it off – Make sure you turn off lights and electrics if you are leaving a room. This includes turning items off completely, leaving them on stand-by still uses energy. Go super sustainable and switch items off at the plug when they aren’t in use. Learn to adore natural light, open the blinds fully before reverting to switching on a light. 8. Ditch the plastic – And any other unsustainable product for that matter. Even plastic which can be recycled is still not worth buying (check out this blog post to find out why). If you need to purchase something, consider is there a plastic free option. Choosing to go plastic free is a great step forward to a sustainable life. 9. Low waste life – Try to reduce the waste in your house. Where possible, buy items unpackaged. Get a compost bin. Reduce how much you send to landfill or plastic recycling centers. Reuse what you can, reduce your consumption of uneccessary items, repurpose items when you no longer have use, resell if possible and when there’s no other option…..recycle it. 10. Consider your transport – Fall in love with that old bike in your shed again, or purchase a second hand one. This helps reduce the emissions from cars and completely removes the need for petrol/ diesel saving you money and saving the earth. If public transport or car-sharing/ car-pooling is an option, take it up, and if you do need a car….make sure it’s got a great energy rating and low emissions…..or even consider an electric or hybrid! 11. Say no to fast fashion – If you can buy it at the high street retailer for $10, how much do you think the living wage or working conditions are for the person who made it? Fast-fashion is the need to consume unethically made items and keep up to date with the latest season…..instead check out second hand shops like Recycle Boutique and purchase quality items second hand, whilst they might not all be from ethical brands, purchasing second hand helps drive down the consumer demand for new fast fashion manufacture. 12. Love slow-fashion – Sure ethical clothing brands may seem more expensive….why? Because they are made to a higher quality, designed to last longer, and provide more ethical and sustainable materials, pay rates and environments for workers. Skip the latest full wardrobe of fast fashion, and replace with a few items from ethical brands which will still be in season…..every season. 13. Upcycle – Whether it’s a piece of furniture you were going to throw out or an old pair of jeans, learn some new skills to have a bit of fun with! Paint that old set of drawers that didn’t fit your new décor and give it a new quirky look. Or learn some basic sewing skills such as “visible mending” to upcycle those worn out jeans. 14. Go paperless – Notify and sign up to paper statements with your bank and utility companies. Regardless if it’s on your computer or coming through your door, it will still have the same info….the difference…..less trees cut down or print production needed to tell you the same info. 15. Say no to receipts – If you can get it emailed instead of printed, do so. If the cashier asks you if you need a receipt, tell them no. Not only does printing receipts have the same tree + print issue as the point above, but receipts also contain hidden plastics in the film of them – they aren’t just paper! 16. Indoor plants – Use indoor plants to help clean the air in your house. They are also a great way for you to consciously learn about impacts to plants eco-systems and what happens when we don’t look after them…..and helps you appreciate the larger ecosystem we call earth. 17. Sustainable beauty – Try replacing your plastic container beauty routine by making some of your own or choosing reusable products, or purchasing from refillable and ethical brands such as Zao. Use shampoo, conditioner and soap bars to ditch the plastic bottles and support local artisans. 18. Love the outdoors – Some once said to me there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. How true right! Regardless of the weather, get yourself outside, bathe in the sun, jump in the puddles, enjoy every element earth has for us!

  • Is going plastic free and low waste more expensive?

    Whenever I talk to people considering going plastic free, the key question that seems to come up, is how expensive is it to be plastic free and will they be out of pocket. So if that question is currently on your mind, this blog will help bust some myths on being plastic free. So the first thing to understand is that starting a plastic free and low waste life is centered around consuming less. Not more. Plastic was actually originally marketed as a luxury to throw away! That’s right, post World War 2, companies actively advertised to get the nation hooked on disposable items….it was a new cheap item that could be purchased, thrown away……and then replaced. Not only did this mean that generations got brain washed with disposable items being a luxury, it also meant consumers had to purchase more to keep replacing the item they were enjoying throwing away!! Crazy right! That systemic brain washing has filtered through further generations and we now rely on a consumer industry where we expect to pay “cheap” over and over and over… we create waste over and over and over……and are we actually saving money in the long term if that’s the case? 1. The upfront cost of purchasing plastic free items can seem overwhelming. I remember purchasing my first plastic free reusable water bottle years ago and couldn’t justify the cost of $40 for a water bottle….but after some deliberation I realised it would only take for me to purchase 1 plastic water bottle every week for 20 weeks before buying disposables was more expensive – I still have the $40 water bottle I purchased more than 5 years later. 2. You don’t have to buy everything brand new. Sure you might want to kit yourself out with some mason jars, bottles, etc etc…..but check out thrift stores, or ask friends and family for items they no longer use. 3. “Expensive” is relative to your current lifestyle habits. If you already live quite a minimal lifestyle, the chances are you won’t notice a huge difference in your outgoings, however if you life quite a disposable life where you constantly purchase plastic, you may notice a slight peak in upfront costs, but you should notice a cost saving long term!! 4. Leading a minimal, low waste lifestyle is nothing new! People were living without plastic for centuries before you read this blog post…..and guess what…..people survived! And our grandparents……they were all about zero waste! They made do with what they had, they reused what they could, they saved left overs, they only bought what they needed……and then plastic adverts came along and corrupted everything! If you’re about to throw something away when it still has a potential use, think to yourself……”what would nanna do?” 5. There are some things that will cost more, for example “fast fashion” is cheap manufactured clothing where workers are paid pitifully, if you’re accustomed to purchasing cheap clothes because you like to keep up with the latest season fashion, you will notice a difference in expense if you chose to upgrade to more ethical brands and still want to keep in the season trends. Ethical brands don’t cut corners in manufacture and ensure they produce quality items instead which will be more expensive. We recommend upgrading your next purchase to more ethical brands over fast fashion, but to make them last through the season, try purchase items that are timeless and will carry through any season trend In summary, the chances are that going plastic free and low waste should save you money but there will be upfront costs and compromises to be made in changing your consumer habits!

  • BPA is not OK.

    Ever picked up a product that had a any kind of "BPA free" logo and wondered what it meant? Let us explain the buzz on BPA. We all know plastic is an environmental catastrophic disaster, but how does plastic affect our personal health? Plastic is petroleum based and has some super nasties including BPA (bisphenol A) in it. BPA is a chemical which is used to harden the plastics and is a toxin found in an array of everyday items including food containers, printer receipts, feminine hygiene products and so much more. And these nasty toxins find their way into our body and food chain. How? When a plastic packet is produced which contains BPA, it doesn’t “seal” all the chemicals in, and instead a small amount of these toxins can bleed into our food….which we then ingest…..or wrap in new plastic wrap to save for eating later! BPA is also used as an epoxy resin as a protective lining in canned food and beverages. BPA is said to mimic the structure and function of estrogen, which means that when our bodies absorb it, cells attach to it and can lead to a disruption in our hormonal balance. Some experts suggest the negative impacts of our bodies reacting to BPA include increased risk of brain and behavioural problems, infertility, cancer and diabetes. There’s also an increased risk of BPA effects on infants as their bodies are still developing – so much so that many countries now ban the use of BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups which were a huge culprit of BPA plastics. Evidence and studies suggest BPA causes heaps of health problems, and since the great scientific minds have brought this to light and educated consumers, plastic producing companies have now started removing the BPA nasties from their plastic products (hence the logo BPA free you may have started to see!) But don’t be fooled, just because it says BPA free doesn’t mean it’s fixed the problem. BPS (bisphenol-S) and BSF (bisphenol-F) are similar compounds which have merely replaced BPA and allowed the same “quality” of plastic manufacturing. Unfortunately it’s estimated more than 90% of us have BPA in our bodies, and eradicating it from our lives completely, is a hard challenge given how many products exist in market with this, but health officials recommend avoiding BPA products where possible. There are lots of eco-friendly alternatives to removing the need for plastic and therefore the assosciate chemicals from your life. Whether it’s switching to a stainless steel bottle, or wrapping your food in beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap, or even purchasing more fresh produce at the market rather than pre-made and canned goods. Not only will you be supporting the reduction of landfill waste of plastic products and protecting the earth, you’ll also be taking an empowered step to control what toxins affect your health and wellbeing. BPA is not ok. Up your eco.

  • the best TED talks on plastic pollution and zero waste

    feeling inspired is really one of the best feelings in the world isn't it. no matter what you felt before that moment of inspiration, you suddenly have a more energetic mind, body and soul. plans start formulating in your head and new goals are set. in the war against plastic pollution and trying to strip back your life to be low-zero waste, sometimes it can feel overwhelming. so we have curated some of our fave TED talks and doco's to give you that inspired "anything is possible" feeling. all the below are equally inspiring! so in no particular order: the surprising solution to ocean plastic - David Katz a drop in the plastic ocean: how one person can make a difference - Emily De Souza how to live a plastic free life - Alexis McGivern zero waste is not recycling more, but less - Bea Johnson why plastic pollution is personal - Natalie Fee going green: tips for a zero waste lifestyle - Haley Higdon why I live a zero waste life - Lauren Singer plastic oceans: a true global emergency - Craig Leeson you should also absolutely check out the full documentary of Plastic Oceans!

  • eco-warrior or eco-B(ee)?

    I've always been on the fence about the term "eco-warrior". I've never awarded myself the title. I completely understand the notion of wanting to be recognised or self-recognised as a warrior for the environment, but it never sat right with me.... for some reason whenever I hear this term, I imagine hard out hippies with their long hair, and drop crotch Balinese pants spreading their vibes and being a well known activist in the eco future....I know, I know, talk about stereotypical. I know there are millions of eco-warriors out there that don't fit into that stereotype, but still, I couldn't label myself a "warrior". I was more like a bumble bee, minding my business, spreading the love one environment I visited to the next. plodding along with my eco-journey day to day, trying to inspire others to do the same. there's absolutely nothing wrong with whatever term you or your friends name you in this journey, whether you're a tree loving hippy, an eco-warrior, or just a humble eco-B like me. you don't even need a label. you just need to enjoy your journey and recognise your own efforts to help build a sustainable planet for you and future generations. Collage

  • is plastic bad if it can be recycled?

    yes. when plastics are recycled, their polymer chain gets shorter which reduces the quality. each plastic item can be recycled approx 2-3 times before the quality has downgraded enough it is no longer useful. and it end up in landfill. or oceans. that's not the only reason recyclable plastic is bad...can you honestly say, you've appropriately recycled EVERY piece of recyclable plastic you've ever purchased? And did you know that commercially, countries don't even recycle EVERY item that can be recycled? just because it can be recycled, doesn't mean it's always happening. organic products (made from earths own goodness such as wood products) will biodegrade and decompose regardless in a much shorter time than the 1000 years it takes plastic. and items such as stainless steel can be recycled over and over and over and over without losing quality meaning they are an incredible alternative for items such as water bottles. remember the next time you purchase something plastic....ask yourself...."is there an eco-alternative?"

  • the rubbish truth about plastic

    plastic is cheap. that's usually the benefit of it for manufacturers and consumers alike. but remember that phrase "if it's too good to be true, it probably is." that's plastic summed up. yes plastic is cheap, but that comes at a bigger cost. the rubbish truth about plastic, is that it's rubbish. worse still, it's non-biodegradable rubbish. why does that matter? let me put it like this....every single piece of plastic ever created still exists, and we've been making this dirty material since 1907. worse still 50% of all plastic ever created was made in the past 15 years. it's still sat there somewhere. in our homes. in landfills. in oceans. everywhere. it takes around 1000 years for plastic to breakdown. we're just over 100 years into the first piece of plastic breaking down. it's all sat there, clogging up our beautiful planet, disrupting the balance of land and marine life and then it finds its way back into our food chain. we only have ourselves to blame. sure plastic is cheap, but the cost we are paying environmentally is huge. 30kg of plastic is the average weight of plastic rubbish an average New Zealander will create per year (recycling only around 5.8kg).....and when a beached sperm whale post mortem was completed in 2018, guess how much plastic was found in its stomach....30kg. wrapped up in its stomach were discarded fishing nets, plastic bags and so much more. and that was just one whale. now I'm not saying one particular New Zealander caused this whales death....every person on the planet contributes to the imbalance of life due to our lack of consideration. each and every one of us has a responsibility to act as guardians of the earth for the next generation. so sure plastic is cheap, and eco products might have a slightly higher up front cost, but they are safer from our environment, made from organic materials, are designed for longevity the same as plastic but biodegrade much quicker. you could buy 52 bottles of water from the servo over a year, spend $52, create up to 52,000 years of plastic waste and throw 52 bottles away. or you could spend the same amount upfront on a reusable non-plastic water bottle which could last you 20+ years.

  • top concerns for plastic-free newbies

    I started dabbling in a low waste and plastic free life about five years ago....from there it's grown into a passion that makes me question my purchasing choices and lifestyle on a daily basis. when I started this journey, I had the same concerns as many people ask me about today: 1. should I throw all my current plastic items away? absolutely not. this is a journey, and up to this point you will have accumulated plastic in your life. throwing your current plastic items away defeats the objective here. keep your current plastic items, then follow these simple rule: reuse if it has life left, repurpose if possible and you no longer have use for it, then recycle when it comes to the end of its working life. 2. will I have less options to chose from for purchasing new items? absolutely not. sure this is a journey that will challenge you at times whilst you rewire your brain as to what other options there are to your normal purchase, but in general there are so many eco friendly and plastic free options. check out local farmers markets, health shops, if you're lucky enough to have a plastic free in store go have a nosey. alternatively there are an abundance of online eco stores which stock everything from non-plastic wrapped toilet paper to makeup. remember preparation is key. stock up before you run out so you're not left with a quick dash to the supermarket to find you have limited to zero plastic free options. 3. how and where do I start? start small. one change at a time. choose one thing you use everyday or a single use plastic and commit to finding an eco-alt for that. then commit to using it for 2 weeks. then move on to your next item. don't beat yourself up if you fall of the tracks occasionally, but make a conscious effort to always ask yourself "is there a non-plastic option I can purchase instead?" a lot of people will start this journey with a toothbrush, but the texture can make them gag and their journey comes to a standstill. if you are sensitive to textures, tastes and smells, take this into consideration when starting your journey. find something that makes you excited about using initially, then grow your new lifestyle over time. 4. I'm just one person / I'm not going to make a difference / the problem is too big? one person is all it takes to make a difference. ask buddha. the problem is only as big as we let it become. as consumers, every single purchase we make adds to the problem. just imagine.....if every single person stopped purchasing drinks out of plastic you really think companies wouldn't switch to a new solution?? one person is all it takes to create a revolution, inspire others with their journey and reduce their own plastic consumption. multiply that with like minded thinkers across the globe and you've got a revolution. one person is all it takes. be that person.

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