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Plastic Free July – take the challenge!

As with anything plastic-free and low waste, the key is preparation!

That’s why we’re not waiting til July to tell you about this challenge. We’re telling you what it’s about now so you can prepare to take the challenge!

Plastic Free July, is literally what it says on the tin! It’s a global challenge that asks you to take part in ditching plastics for the month to help reduce the impact to our lands and seas and be part of the solution to the plastic problem!

The movement has inspired over 250 million people in 177 countries to go plastic free, so if you are new to plastic free this is a great month to get helpful content and community support of other people trying to start kicking their plastic habits.

You can sign up to the challenge online at where you will receive helpful emails (but not spammed!) about different tips and tricks to reduce your plastic waste, and also content which helps inspire you on some of the basics to removing everyday plastics from your life.

We love, love, love this challenge, because it helps you start a healthy habit and gives you a short target of just 31 days to consider everything you would normally purchase in plastic! Better yet, once you get to the end of the 30 days, this new mindset will help you start a long term habit of removing plastics from your life whether it’s going plastic free at work, school, home or in the community.

Feeling like you might struggle to ditch every plastic? Don’t worry, we know starting a new habit can be hard. This isn’t about failing in the first week because you need to buy something you find essential which is plastic, and then you can’t complete the rest of the challenge. Instead it’s about asking you to question if there is an alternative, and if there is, purchase that instead…..or try go without! If you do find yourself needing to buy something plastic…..don’t give up…..just keep asking yourself at every purchase……do I really need this or can I go without.

Why not try it with a friend for a bit of support? Ask your friend to sign up to the challenge too so you can discuss what works and what you find hard. As always you can reach out to us here at B & Sea via our contact us form or DM us on insta for any plastic-free support and tips too! You can also check out our other blogs for helpful content to help you love a plastic free, low waste and sustainable lifestyle.

And if you need any plastic free products, check out our plastic free online eco-store for some awesome plastic free alternatives.

Plastic Free July – Be part of the solution.

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